
5 ways your software must fit your manufacturing business

How to select the enterprise software that best fits your plans for future growth.

5 ways your software must fit your manufacturing business

45% of manufacturers found business growth challenging, while 31% found it rewarding, according to a study.

High-growth manufacturers are in the minority, and when we compare them with their low-growth counterparts, the study shows that high-growth businesses are not only more than twice as likely to find growth rewarding, they are also almost three times more likely to regard investment in IT as a high priority.

The decision to invest in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is one that many manufacturers make when they realize that they need better insights and operational efficiencies for growth — whether to expand geographically, add new product or service lines, increase market share, or improve profits.

 But how do you ensure that you get the right ERP solution to support growth — one that fits your business and can meet the demands of a sector being rapidly reshaped by digital transformation and Industry 4.0? This guide will help you find the right fit.


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